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The epidemic is raging, and people have become alienated, but please don't forget that there is infinite warmth and nourishment in touch.
Under the turbulent flow, before panicking, clench your hands and feel the strength and temperature of your hands.
Activity Silhouette
信任感覺,找回觸感。 真摰的觸感,傳遞千言萬語。 | 在安靜裡,學習讓雙手來照顧彼此。 | 這樣的嘗試、觸碰、傳遞,真的很美﹗ |
爸爸活學活用﹗讚﹗ | 接觸自己吧﹗ 往內傾聽,你會發現更多。 | 觸感練習,從觸碰自己開始。 |
媽媽好利害,同時照顧仔仔和囡囡﹗ | 可愛的小女孩,還有認真用心的媽媽。 |
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